Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Science - the results of the Jack and Coke Zero!

I posted a picture on Facebook a couple weeks ago of two 2 liter coke bottles and a bottle of Jack Daniels for science.  I thought that a lot of you might like to see to results of that endeavor.  Mason and Will really took one for the team and conquered both the Jack Daniels and the Coke. Also, this is my first try for a post with video, so we'll see how that works.

The first expiriment was titled - Can you breathe if your diaphragm has a hole in it?

We created a model of a lung and diaphragm using the top half of one of our coke bottles, a balloon, a piece of latex, two rubber bands, cardboard and some tape.  The results are a model of a lung.

Here is Brooke demonstrating the lung.

Here is Caleb's demonstration and some silliness.

For the second experiment, we measured our lung capacity to learn if an adult has the most lung capacity or a child. This required the other 2 liter bottle, a bucket of water, and a piece of tubing.  We each took a breath and then forced as much air into the bottle, displacing the water, as possible and then recorded how much water was left in the bottle.  This was done with a normal breath, a deep breath, and after running for 1 minute.

Brooke -

Caleb -

Mommy wins! followed by Brooke and then Caleb.  Caleb did beat Brooke in the deep breath category.

So, thanks to Mason and Will and their resulting headaches for helping us to make science.

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