Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Concentration Jewels

I haven't posted in quite some time and have a ton of catch up to do, but I am really excited about our concentration jewels.  Everyone loves them, even Clare.  I haven't been 'practicing' Imagination Yoga with my kiddos as much as I should.  You would think that I would make them do it all the time considering how much I believe in it.  The whole reason that I am doing this whole thing is to help children and spread kindness, calmness, love, and peace.  Somehow, I just never find the time to do it with my own babies.  I decided this week to try to change that and have been so successful!

Brooke just loves it and would do yoga with me for hours.  It is really good for her too as she has terrible trouble concentrating and staying on task.  She is as smart as a whip, but her mind wanders so easily.

Caleb begrudgingly does it with me, at least to start with.  After all the grumbles and do we have too's, he gets into it midway through.  He particularly liked the concentration jewels.  After he got up from his jewels today he commented on how is brain felt better.

Clare, oh my sweet Clare, is ADORABLE!!!  She sits down on the mat all throughout the day (not just when I am doing it with Brooke and Caleb) and takes her little breaths.  I tried to get a picture, but the iPhone will not allow it.  She moves way too fast.  I'll have to get the good camera out.  She absolutely loved the concentration jewels and was so impressed with herself.  I honestly cannot count the number of times today she got her stone and went and laid down.

something is horsey around here

Some girls like their hair done.  Some girls want stories read to them. Some girls want to talk constantly. What does my girl want to do with her 20 minutes of alone time?  You guessed it shop the brand spanking new Dover catalog!

We spent the evening pouring over the latest bridles, saddle pads, and blankets.  We discussed whether or not the cheapest item is actually the best item and what she absolutely needs soon.

I am amazed by how intuitively smart she is when it comes to most things.  As we were reviewing the saddle pads and comparing, her eye was caught by one that had a 'free' human jacket to go with it.  After reviewing it for a while, she says, "Look, they are just tricking you.  They just say that to get more money out of you."  I was a bit taken aback by her clever understanding of the situation.  She never ceases to amaze me.