Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Clare - almost 15 months

The ducks in the front yard quickly turned into me just taking pictures of Clare.  I never did get professional pictures taken for her first birthday and here she is almost 15 months old.  Such is the life of the third born. (For the record, I still haven't made her baby book either.)  I hope from these pictures you are able to see her personality.  She loves attention and knows how to get it.  She is usually smiling, but has picked up a nasty little habit of saying "no."  Actually, she doesn't just say "no," she forcefully uses the word as well as body language to ensure that you are not confused as to her wishes. Should you choose to not heed her warning, be prepared to witness a fit of the first order.  (Maybe there is something to the red head temper thing???)  She is also amazingly sweet.  She gives kisses and loves animals.  You should see her kiss socks kitty.  Clare also has a ton of new words..."love you," "thank you," "night night," "blanket," and "milk" are a few of them.  Rest assured she with get her point across with words or with one of those lovely fits we were just discussing.  Anyway, here is my Clare bear....

Fine! I will throw it for the ducks.  
No. I actually HATE Frosty and will not take my picture with him.
This is as close as I will get to that evil blow up creature.

I am not scared of anything.  Again, Again, but higher this time.

Ducks in the front yard

During our afternoon outside, we were visited by a gaggle of ducks.  It is a typical day to go feed the ducks at the pond, but this is the first time we had them come to the house.  They started off eating the acorns, but that very quickly turned into the rest of the cheerios, most of the honey chex, and some bread.  Clare loved it.  She was throwing cheerios and chex until she realized that they were yummy.  Then she started picking them up out of the grass and off the sidewalk before the ducks did.  The ducks were so tame that they let the big kids touch them.  

Brooke give me more chex.
One for the duck.
One for me.

Done with feeding ducks.  Now it is snack time.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pumpkin patch in pictures

I wish blogspot had a way to make this look more like a book or graphic novel.  Instead, you just get a lot of pictures in sequence.  Enjoy!

Ready to go at the Pumpkin Patch!
Yeah! I'm excited!
Don't Worry Aunt Heather, I got this. (As she hands Clare more hay)
Pumpkins!  I will eat them.
No Aunt Heather, I do not want my picture taken.
Really, I'm serious.  No pictures.
Will this do?  I really want this over with.
FINE!  I'll smile, but then we are done. 
Look at those pumpkins!
The perfect one.
Look, at it!  I love it.
Hmmm! I wonder how I can get this pumpkin.
Yoda, what do you think? Yes, I agree.
Take it to Grandma!  
My pretty girl.
About to get Grandma!
My handsome boy!

Yes am I pulling bubby's hair!   

Not really. 
One picture that is at least not 100% mad.
Seriously, we hate this.  We are so done. Everybody cry.
It worked.  Crying made her stop!  Yes!
Ha! Ha! Clare's stuck in the wagon and I'm not!
Don't take my picture!  uh, too late:)
Do you see that right there?
Yeah!  Just a second, I'll get out. 
I'm trapped!

Don't worry, I'll help. Take my hand. 

I bounce!

I bounce too!
Lovin my daddy!
Hay ride!
Horses!! Neigh!

Feed the birdies. 
Oh, Clare I love you!
Oh, Lily! I love you, too!

Grandma, she won't stop kissing me!  Help!
Seriously Grandma, HELP!  She is attacking me with love! 
Time to pick out a pumpkin and go home! 

Awesome day!