Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Traveling chaos: London part 1

Well, my finely planned adventure started off with a bang.  I had spent the two weeks that I had to plan our flights meticulously thinking through most possible needs and activities, making, lists, shopping, and packing accordingly.  Then we get to the airport.  First flight delayed until 8:33pm.  There's no way we will make our connection.  Plan - go to Minneapolis on Saturday night on the late flight and then fly to London on Sunday at 9:45.

Check our bags.

Go through security.  We have Clare's milk.  She is allergic to dairy, so we have to take almond milk. I declared it before we went through the metal detector and X-ray machine.  BUT - apparently, the amount of milk i had is a big issue, plus after going through metal detector, I had touched my bags (super no no).  SO We had to put ALL our luggage back through the x-ray.  This is no simple feat.  We have 4 back packs, a bag for milk, 5 laptops, a violin, oh and 3, yes 3 children.  Plus, i had to get a pat down.  It was loads of fun!

Dinner at TGI Fridays.  Never again.  We ordered off the gluten free menu.  However, they neglected to inform us that they didn't have what we ordered.  Brought us non- gluten free and then we had to fight to get something else.  They weren't going to, but weren't offering a discount either.  Didn't really matter cause the food wasn't very good.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

Flight delayed til 10:00 pm.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

Flight canceled.

Re-book for 6:55 am next day.

Get hotel vouchers.

Pick up All our bags.  In addition to the carry on, we also have 5 other bags and a stroller to pick up.  Luggage cart.  Wait.  Shuttle to hotel.  Kids asleep at 10 ish.  Wake up at 3:30 am.  Shuttle to airport is a suburban.  I don't have a car seat.  Drive to airport with Clare buckled on my lap.  I was praying the whole time for no wrecks and admonishing myself for even letting this happen.  I blame it on 3 ish hours of sleep for me.

This morning actually went off pretty smoothly.  No issues with security.  Landed in Minneapolis.  We get to spend the entire day in the airport.  Our flight doesn't leave until 9:45 pm.  There were a couple of tense moments, but we made it on the plane.

The long flight went pretty good.  They neglected to transfer our gluten free requirements to our new flight, so we didn't get to eat much.  I had packed granola bars and they found us a few things.  Everyone did great on the plane until we landed.  Poor Caleb got air sick minutes before we deplaned and threw up.

Got to the Hotel and the are upgrading us tomorrow to bigger rooms.  We still have to be in two rooms, but they will be a bit bigger.  That is good.  Hopefully, we will have the long term housing figured out soon and not have to be in a hotel too long.

After getting checked in, we had lunch.  So far, it has not been very easy to eat gluten free (for sure) or our trip.  This was our only meal in London, so we will see how it goes.  It is going to be more expensive that I had initially hoped.  We have to have grilled meats and fresher vegetables.  Food cooked fresh seems to be much more expensive that battering it and frying it.

Right across from our hotel is the Terrace gardens.  After lunch, we walked down there.  There is a lovely cafe that sells gluten free stuff!!  The park has tons of trails and grass which the children really enjoyed.

After a brief rest at the hotel, I successfully navigated Richmond and found the Tesco.  I made my first purchase in London!!! Yeah!!  I was proud of myself because I also did this with 2 out of 3 kids by myself!!!!

Well, I am not sure what we will do tomorrow or how often I will post, but will try to do it as often as I can.