Sunday, April 22, 2012

House update

I am shocked and amazed at how much work was done on our house this week!  In one week, we have a roof, windows, wiring, the insulation boards that go on the outside (no idea what they are called), panelling, a fireplace, a bathtub, and doors.  It actually looks like the house that it will be soon.  We drove up and were all so excited.  I am posting a ton of pictures because we are so excited.  I hope I am not boring you completely.

Our arrival.

Built in storage shed

Seeing our rooms for the first time.  Caleb is quite thrilled that he has a window.  We quickly reminded him that there will be a security system and we will know when that window is opened.  All of the kids bedrooms face the street, so we will have to ensure that they have an adequate fear of the security system as they enter teendome.  

Kid's bathroom

 Yes it will have central air and heat:)

 Will and I's bedroom as viewed from the family room.

 View from back door through kitchen to front of house.

 Fireplace and family room view from kitchen.

Back porch - We are particularly excited about the back patio.  It is large and covered and doesn't get the evening sun. 

 Everything was new and exciting for our kiddos, but Caleb was ecstatic over the brick having been delivered.  I had to look around again by myself after the kids were in the car.  I hadn't really been able to see anything over their cries of "look at this" at everything from nails to wired to doors to windows, etc.

 Showing Clare her room.  Mommy is so excited for Clare to have her own room.  7 months in mommy's room is enough.  Oh and as Caleb pointed out, Clare also has a window.

 Our home!

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