Here is a small sample of the unedited 312 photos that I took. If I have time I will edit some an repost. I took so many pictures that it is hard to really tell the story. There are just too many good pictures to talk about every picture. So I have broken it out by child and will try to tell a bit about them.
We had an amazing time, but will have to go earlier next year as all the tulips were gone. They are one of my two favorite flowers, so I was quite disappointed. Last year in Oregon we were able to go to a tulip festival with over 5 acres of tulips. It was heavenly.
I am starting to get into this whole photography thing. Mostly because I don’t want to spend so much on pictures now that I am not working. However, I find that I kind of enjoy it and as I search for who Heather is when she isn’t a member of the work force, this one just might make the cut. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions. (Be nice though
Sun screened and Ready to go.
Caleb pretty much ate the entire time. Almost an entire bag of goldfish, a granola bar, and two peanut butter sandwiches.
Brooke loved being outside and the flowers. I felt for her because as the oldest she was forced to take each baby across the bridge. Clare was happy, but wiggly. Lillian was unhappy because she had to wait to get on the bridge. Then when it was her turn Brooke was tasked with both making her happy and keeping her safe. She did great though and we got some good photos. Sometimes it sucks being the oldest, I know. I try not to make her do too much, but one of us adults had to take pictures and the other had to ‘spot’ Brooke to ensure no one ended up in Monet’s lake.
Caleb after starting off as my resident “grumpy camper” really had a good time. He was free to run around most of the time which really helped. Rolling down the hill and water play were probably his favorites though he was excited about the test garden and had quite a few questions about the flowers in there. He also was able to just eat all day which is another one of his favorite things. It was a lot of fun to see him get excited about the flowers and such. Unfortunately, we were unable to identify the tree we found on our walk the other day which had Caleb a little bummed. It seems that no one knows what it is, but that is another post.
Lillian ended up having a great time, but as she is Caleb’s kindred spirit started off as a “grumpy camper” too. I did manage to get a few good pics during the morning. She loved Monet’s bridge and would have stayed there forever, but we were limited to three minutes. The one below where she is pointing at me and smiling was as if to say “you come and make me get off this bridge.” Once we had lunch, played in the water a bit and had some time to get comfortable, we started having fun. We got some great pictures by red roses (her mommy’s favorite) and loved the grass on our bare feet. Our favorite was laughing at and chasing Brooke and Caleb as they rolled up and down the hill.
Clare was her usual happy self. I assume she enjoyed it as she smiled and did not cry. Who knows, but I sure do love her smile.
The cousins and siblings had a good time together. This blog actually made me understand Chris’s family identification facebook post earlier in the week. I landed on together as I am apparently lazier that Chris. Clare and Lillian have a one sided relationship at the moment. Lillian would love to hug her and sit by her, but Clare in her excitement and general grabbyness throws Lillian off to which she looks at us bewildered her eyes asking “Why, Why is she doing this to me?” You can see just the look below. I also am quite pleased that I was able to get one of all three of my children both looking at the camera and smiling at he same time. This is a huge success which is not easily matched.
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